All Hallow’s Eve

All Hallow’s Eve, or better known as Halloween is the Witches New Year! I have been feeling the holiday spirit all month long, so I thought I’d share how I celebrate the holiday.

During my life I’ve found myself too eclectic to fit in a box which is what has pulled me towards the metaphysical. I find the most truth in science and nature; I have a strong belief in the elements of the universe. I think most religions are ultimately trying to convey similar messages but somehow always lost in translation. I celebrate the 8 sabbats of the year. All Hallow’s Eve is a wonderful time to reset and get in tune with yourself and the universe.

Samhain (Pronounced Sow-Wen) is the name of the sabbat that falls on October 31-November 1. Its better known as Halloween and its the holiday that ends the summer harvest and brings us into the winter season. The belief is that the veil between the living and the dead is especially thin during these days, allowing spirits to visit the living.

Which is right on track with Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) on Nov 1, a holiday sharing similar beliefs. During this time one can visit a grave site, decorate your alter and make sugar skulls to celebrate and honor those who have passed!



The first thing I’m doing is spending some quality time in my planners. I have two planners, one is for domestic home life, bill pay confirmations, appointments and anything that involves making the home functional. The other planner is my personal and content, containing business lists, projects and anything to do with Camera Chy.

I find its better to keep them separate so I can give 100% of my focus to either my home making or my business. Being as today is the Witches New Year, I will be going through my 2025 planner to set important dates, birthdays, shop launches, project due dates and note the next upcoming holidays.



I rearranged to deep clean, sweep behind/under furniture and remove any clutter from my home before dressing it up for fall. I have switched out my summer décor for fall + brought home some crochet and real pumpkins. My usual green leafy garland I display in my home, is now an orange autumn garland of fallen leaves. Lighting candles is a classic way to celebrate.



Once my home was cleaned, I smudged from top to bottom with the windows open, letting any bad energy out and inviting in that cool October breeze. If you don’t know what smudging is, its a cleansing ritual where you light a bundle of sage while walking through your space, carefully and thoroughly waving away the energy. Be sure to keep your windows open so the energy and smoke has a place to clear out. I usually start somewhere internally in the room and make my way to the perimeters, then the doors + windows.



I was sure to add some fall favorites, such as pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, cinnamon rolls, apples and cider to the grocery list. The smell of cinnamon, pumpkin and apple has been the vibe and is a great way to celebrate the season. Fresh baked pies is aromatherapy.


Holiday Spirit

A few months ago I bought a new tarot deck! Mine was old and it just didn’t carry the same energy anymore. I read our cards and spent some time learning new spreads. Tarot is a tool used for interpretation and I enjoy the experience.

Spending time in nature to be present is a great way to connect to the universe. The sights, the sounds, the textures. The crunch of the fallen leaves on our daily dog walks. Taking time to be in nature and absorb the environment rather than being glued to a screen helps with mindfulness.

No matter how you celebrate, hope it was a safe and happy Halloween!


Setting the Vibe for 2025


What I’ve Been Up to This October