Cucumber Snack

This is my favorite little snack I've stumbled upon this year. Its crunchy, fresh and inexpensive. I usually eat this with a side of white rice and tuna, or simply on its own. Feel free to modify the ingredients but here is my recipe. 

What You Need

  • Mini Cucumbers

  • Garlic Chili Sauce  

  • Toasted Sesame Oil

  • Rice Vinegar 

  • Salt & Pepper

Brand names to me don’t matter much, use whatever you like best! In case you're wondering, here are the brands I currently have in my pantry

Slice or dice the cucumber any way you like, put them in a zip lock bag or mixing bowl. You're going to add all the ingredients to taste. Add enough of each ingredient to coat and saturate all the cucumber. I find the zip lock bag is the easiest method to mix thoroughly without a big mess. Then I wrap them and place them in the fridge to chill and eat shortly after.  


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